It feels like just yesterday that our Managing Partner, Dustin Westling, CSEP, was sworn in as International President of the International Live Events Association (ILEA). His presidency began in the middle of a global pandemic, and while there is no denying that it threw just about every well-laid plan off course, his sights are set on a hopeful future as he now hands over the reins.
In his many roles with ILEA over the past 14 years, Dustin has watched endless seasons pass by. Supporting large live events, adapting to virtual events, drastic advances in production and AR technology and shifts in communication on and offline have all had their turn as hot topics at ILEA HQ.
Now that the pandemic is over (we’ll say it again, the pandemic is over!), we’re seeing another overhaul in what each of us needs from our industry associations. For a few years there, it was a lifeboat we hoped for as we fought to stay afloat. Now that we have both feet on solid ground again we can shake off the uncertainty and begin to rebuild what we lost. Plus, take the opportunity to make things even better than before.
When we think about how to move forward, the silver lining of the pandemic was a new sense of clarity.
“With everything as we know it being disrupted, associations around the world were exposed to the innovation that needs to happen.” Dustin reflects. We were exposed to the ways people need to reconnect in a big way and watched as lightning-speed technological innovations arrived on the scene while we all learned how to stay in touch from our makeshift home offices.
Now that the dust has settled, we can dig in our heels for an expedited season of growth and rebuilding. Better communication and processes, the rise of online micro-education, and a stronger (and more accessible) digital community are all front-runners for meaningful change within our associations.
As we take strides toward that future, we are eager to partner with our associations to strengthen our local chapters. With our time, our resources and our energy, we will be committing to joining forces to move our industry forward. We have seen first-hand the impact an association can have on your business and are eager to do our part in creating a future where our industry associations have a firm grasp on what event profs need and the resources to make it happen.
When Dustin reflects on the impact ILEA had on his last 14 years, it’s pretty incredible. This quote from a past conversation is just as true today; “Through ILEA, I’ve built a global community, and I have this network I can really lean on, learn from, and connect with, whether about business or about life.” Every business owner knows that your business is your baby, and it can be tough to grow skills outside of your day-to-day grind. It‘s a complete game-changer to find an organization that aligns with your needs and jump in the saddle with them to elevate your business and personal life with community, training and mentorship that you wouldn’t come across otherwise.
As he passes the baton, it is with immense appreciation for the incredible folks he got to work with through the years. It truly is a community of passionate people who are eager to not just further their own careers but lift their colleagues up on the way.
If you want to share one last hoorah about his presidential tenure, you know how to reach Dustin. If you want to chat about the associations available to help you grow in and outside of your business, drop us a line!
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Purple Photo Group