The places where we find ourselves from day to day can have a huge effect on everything from our stress levels to our creative output; this is an idea we’ve explored before when talking about what businesses can learn from co-work spaces here, or how your space affects your culture here. When it comes to events, setting can change everything, and there are some places that can influence your experience to such an extent that it would never have been the same anywhere else. Well friends, we’re here to tell you from personal experience that Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity is one of those special places. Combine the Centre’s physical surroundings and unique spaces with a core philosophy that’s so in tune with our own outlook that we’re basically blood brothers, and you get a space we’re so passionate about that we’ll pretty much tell anyone who’ll listen.
The epic setting
First things being first, the Centre can’t be separated from its setting, and Banff, Alberta, Canada is one of “those places” for millions of people to begin with. Banff is a hyped-up destination that completely lives up to the hype. Is it popular with tourists? Yes. Does that ruin the magic? Nope.
You honestly can’t beat these views. Being surrounded by the natural beauty of Banff National Park is truly altering; it’s a place that can draw you in, envelope you, and even change your perspective. Plus, we always love seeing our deer friends when we work here.
The 60+ spaces to explore
In the middle of a national park that would already be a feast for every sense you have is Banff Centre’s 42-acre campus. The campus boasts a beautiful collection of meeting facilities, lecture theatres, and auditoriums available for events, many of which are also utilized by a rotating cast of artists, dancers, writers, and other creatives who flock to the Centre to, well, create. Word has it that Yann Martel wrote Life of Pi in this boat (makes sense, right?), which is part of the Centre’s Leighton Artists’ Studios.
With the huge variety of event spaces – from meeting rooms, to art galleries, to dance studios, to theatres – there are any number of options available to make your event feel unique.
The more-than-you-expected access
Banff Centre has unbelievable onsite resources, and the exceptional events team is dedicated to giving the fullest possible experience to guests of all events happening on their campus. It’s amazing to have access to art galleries, outdoor concerts, orchestras, dance performances, pottery classes, and so much more at your fingertips – all of which enhance the overall experience.
The bigger picture
It’s a testament to the vision and hard work of their internal teams, past and present, that Banff Centre has become internationally renowned for providing artists and creatives with the space and resources they need. The ripple effect of supporting Canadian artists can be seen throughout the events industry, as we all draw inspiration from artists, and throughout our larger communities, as we all benefit from how art enhances our culture, provokes thought and change, and moves us forward as a society. Banff Centre is truly a role model for the importance of facilitating a thriving arts culture. Take a moment to find out more about Banff Centre’s exciting vision for the future here.
The final word
For 85 years, this entire institution has been dedicated to advancing and supporting artistic and creative development. We’ve been so lucky to work here over the years, most memorably as design and production partner for the Centre’s annual fundraiser, Midsummer Ball. We’ve had the unique pleasure of sponsoring this event since 2012, and with every year we find more to share with guests, more creative expression, and more reasons to love working here.
As they continue to make the Centre more and more accessible to the general public, there are so many exciting reasons for you to get on campus this summer – check out the Shaw Amphitheatre, Summer Music Series, Canadian Roots Music Celebration, Orphée+, The Hamlet Complex, and the Banff Centre International String Quartet Festival.
If you’re curious about an event space at Banff Centre, or want to hear more about our experience working in this one-of-a-kind venue, get in touch – we’ll be happy to go on and on about all of the many reasons to love this creative gathering place. Twist our arms, and we’ll even get you out there for a tour… and maybe an outdoor concert while we’re at it?
Photo credits:
France Vive
Brittany Lucas
The Banff Centre
Chris Amat
Krista Bell
Don Lee