Agents of Innovation took a group of C-suite executives on a high-end virtual escape room experience, enhanced by cleverly designed game elements and up-scale food and beverage offerings, delivered to each guest before the big night. This creative reimagining of a popular team-building experience brought all the social interaction and fun competitive tension of an in-person escape room to a virtual space.
In advance of the planned event, each guest, or Agent of Innovation, received a Secret Agent Kit, wrapped in leather with a briefcase texture. A “combination” on the side of the kit indicated that it should not be opened until 11.02.20. Inside, the Mission Impossible aesthetic carried through to an instruction sheet and packet of white Secret Mission Envelopes with string closures, each labeled with instructions on when to open. The Kit also contained Agent of Innovation Problem Solving Supplies, an artisanal charcuterie spread, a custom serving board and cheese knife, and a pre-mixed cocktail.
On the day of the experience, the full group gathered in a main Zoom room, where they were prompted to open their Kit and get set up with their food and beverage. After an explanation of the process and a training session where avatar profiles were created for each guest, teams broke off in groups of four. The experience took place via a series of themed Zoom rooms, each of which corresponded with puzzle challenges contained in the Secret Mission Envelopes. Teams worked together to take on each interactive challenge, with moderators in each room to initiate the challenge and provide hints when needed. The challenges weren’t easy, and upon finishing the game, Victory Acknowledgements were awarded to the teams who used the least amount of hints and solved the mystery the fastest.
Agents of Innovation successfully replicated the fun environment and team dynamic found during an in-person escape room experience, in a safe virtual environment. The high-end design and execution of everything from the Secret Agent Kit, to themed Zoom rooms, to food and beverage offerings made the experience feel upscale, in keeping with this innovative, industry-leading corporation and reflective of the quality that the executives are familiar with and expect. Expertly crafted and flawlessly coordinated to the last detail, the evening brought guests together to connect, work together, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie, no matter where each Secret Agent was.